Can you explain what it means that a customer is involved with the build process?
Sure. Adair's customers participate in their project by getting their permits, arranging for their site work (excavation, driveways, landscaping, decks, etc.) and either doing or separately contracting their painting (
contact us for a complete list of owner participation items). Adair is responsible for everything involved with the construction of the home itself, from the foundation to the roof, all the way through completion (with the exception of paint). By being involved, our customers save a lot of money through avoiding builder "markup" on the items they manage. This may seem like a lot of work, and it does take some time, but Adair is here as a resource to guide you every step of the way. After all, we've done this over 15,000 times! Our customers receive, on average, $25,000 in move in equity for their trouble. Not a bad hourly rate! For customers who prefer not to be involved, Adair offers a "Turnkey" option as well.